
Showing posts from September, 2022

Federal Agencies Likely to Get New Cybersecurity Guidance In Coming Weeks

The training may be provided in collaboration with the Cybercrime Office of the Department of Law Enforcement, a private sector entity, or an institution of the State University System. Implement managerial, operational, and technical safeguards and risk assessment remediation plans recommended by the department to address identified risks to the data, information, and information technology resources of the agency. The department, through the Florida Digital Service, shall track implementation by state agencies upon development of such remediation plans in coordination with agency inspectors general. In consultation with the department, through the Florida Digital Service, and the Cybercrime Office of the Department of Law Enforcement, establish an agency cybersecurity response team to respond to a cybersecurity incident. The agency cybersecurity response team shall convene upon notification of a cybersecurity incident and must immediately report all confirmed or suspected incidents