Federal Agencies Likely to Get New Cybersecurity Guidance In Coming Weeks

The training may be provided in collaboration with the Cybercrime Office of the Department of Law Enforcement, a private sector entity, or an institution of the State University System. Implement managerial, operational, and technical safeguards and risk assessment remediation plans recommended by the department to address identified risks to the data, information, and information technology resources of the agency. The department, through the Florida Digital Service, shall track implementation by state agencies upon development of such remediation plans in coordination with agency inspectors general. In consultation with the department, through the Florida Digital Service, and the Cybercrime Office of the Department of Law Enforcement, establish an agency cybersecurity response team to respond to a cybersecurity incident. The agency cybersecurity response team shall convene upon notification of a cybersecurity incident and must immediately report all confirmed or suspected incidents to the state chief information security officer, or his or her designee, and comply with all applicable guidelines and processes established pursuant to paragraph . Operate and maintain a Cybersecurity Operations Center led by the state chief information security officer, which must be primarily virtual and staffed with tactical detection and incident response personnel.

This review shall focus on ease of use for consumers and a determination of what measures can be taken to maximize manufacturer participation. Until CISA updates its milestones and fully implements its plans, it may be difficult for it to identify and respond to cybersecurity incidents, such as the major cyberattack reported in December 2020 that affected both government and private industry. These workshops provide awareness of federal cybersecurity support programs and the many resources available to transportation owners and operators to learn about Department of Homeland Security resources and programs available to them, as well as non-technical policy or procedural actions that can enhance their company or agency’s cybersecurity. It focuses on transit, passenger rail, trucking, over-the-road buses, school buses, freight rail and pipeline modes of transportation.

The FBI is committed to working with our federal counterparts, our foreign partners, and the private sector to close those gaps. Learn more about what you can do to protect yourself from cyber criminals, how you can report cyber crime, and the Bureau's efforts in combating the evolving cyber threat. The Director of OMB shall work with the Secretary of Homeland Security and agency heads to ensure that agencies have adequate resources to comply with the requirements Agency Cybersecurity issued pursuant to subsection of this section. Agencies may request an extension for complying with any requirements issued pursuant to subsection of this section. Any such request shall be considered by the Director of OMB on a case-by-case basis, and only if accompanied by a plan for meeting the underlying requirements. The Director of OMB shall on a quarterly basis provide a report to the APNSA identifying and explaining all extensions granted.

The Secretary of Homeland Security may invite the participation of others on a case-by-case basis depending on the nature of the incident under review. The Board’s initial review shall relate to the cyber activities that prompted the establishment of a UCG in December 2020, and the Board shall, within 90 days of the Board’s establishment, provide recommendations to the Secretary of Homeland Security for improving cybersecurity and incident response practices, as outlined in subsection of this section. Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Director of OMB, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security acting through the Director of CISA, and the Administrator of General Services acting through FedRAMP, shall develop a Federal cloud-security strategy and provide guidance to agencies accordingly. Such guidance shall seek to ensure that risks to the FCEB from using cloud-based services are broadly understood and effectively addressed, and that FCEB Agencies move closer to Zero Trust Architecture. Service providers share cyber threat and incident information with agencies, doing so, where possible, in industry-recognized formats for incident response and remediation. Address which factors should be considered by the FDA and industry when communicating cybersecurity risks to patients and to the public, including but not limited to the content, phrasing, the methods used to disseminate the message and the timing of that communication.

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